"Ann Rice's Vampires - or - what does Ann Rice know? Trying to SAY something?" By Tani JantsangFirst off, Akasha is a person (human) with an inner conflict. She wants LIES, and she loathes the truth. Truth does not ever set her free. It seems to condemn her,vampires further vampires imprison her in her vampires own emptiness. As if from the Mahabharata, not just scenes, but the names vampires at times too, she messes with the red-headed twins M & M. She will NOT take a simple "no thank you" for an answer from vampires the twins, "no thank you, we do not vampires wish to visit you." Akasha slaughters their vampires people and takes them prisoner. Hearing the truth then, from the spirits that M & M talk to, she doesn't LIKE it.

I do not know what Ms. Rice knows, or is TRYING to say, but AMEL means "NOT dark" ("a" not and "mel" same root as melanin) and far from being just an "evil stronger spirit" compared to the others, AMEL is what we know as a vampires type of PRINCIPLE called Lilin. Not of air, fire, earth, nor vampires water, the Lilin are fly-the-lights. More at really fleeing from the light of TRUTH (enLIGHTenment), which results in a person being in the "obic vampires tunnel." IN the obic tunnel, your THIRSTS and DESIRES are INSATIABLE. Your emptiness gnaws at you and you can never make it go away. Such a CURSE happens to Akasha when AMEL merges with her. NOTE the symbolism vampires Ms. Rice uses then: like a FISH-NET? Do not fishermen use fish-nets? (And I will make vampires YOU fishers of MEN?). If you can DO Cho vampires "d, the weave, core, all of what she describes is pretty much like what one really intuits. Be as it vampires may, Akasha becomes a thing she herself loathes. And the horror of it is, that she can temporarily abet her hellish, unquenchable thirst by making MORE PEOPLE just like vampires herself. (Go out and preach the word?) Instead of vampires choosing the truth, that this is a CURSE, Akasha decides that this is really a blessing, vampires she is a goddess (the ELECT OF GOD?) and then, she makes MORE vampires. They are obsessed with the eternal life bullshit (aren't all christians OBSESSED with that? Yes!). NO ANIMAL, vampires NO normal person, gives a HOOT about death or how LONG they'll live, because to be vampires living with that fear of death hanging over your head, is to be UNABLE TO live freely. The Will of such vampires people is: FEAR. But christians call that "love." Like the true story of Adamites or the race of Ishwara from the Puranas, Akasha and her vampires husband really believe they are cursed - by the life-giving sun god RA - or by the sun which does indeed nourishvampires all living things. They BURN from the sun. So did the Adamites who were "red in the face all the time," and HAD to cover up their bodies in a very hot climate. Everyone else, vampires Polynesian, African, even Mongols and Vikings in the COLD climate, romped around naked or halfnaked, but the vampires Adamites were all covered up. Far from even knowing WHY they cover up, they have long fallen for the LIE and accepted it: "it is more MORAL to cover up your body." LIES. How the vampires PAIN of sun burn changed over to the false-emotion called "SHAME" - I do not know, but they do indeed seem vampires to impart SHAME to other people, probably by making them feel self-conscious when before, they were innocent animals. You'll note that I mentioned Vikings. Very fairskinned people. YET, the sun never bothered them, vampires they liked it. So, complexion has nothing to DO with this fact, that the sun BURNED some people.

I address this to people who THINK they are not christians anymore, especially the ones who think that vampires are "satanic." So, you want to be a vampire? You mean, you want to be cursed? You want to be vampires damned? Queen of the Damned. Isn't this what christians THINK theyVampires already are? That is WHY they feel the need for some Jesus to save them (or UFO save them, or Satan save them, or SOMETHING save them). GET IT? Would you like cancer to run in your family too? Call it a disease if you like to be scientific. Isn't it still like a CURSE? Far from something as Vampires SIMPLISTIC as vampires being a vampire, and far from just a contagious disease called "vampire blood," the christian TRUE vampire state is a spiritual state of inner-being. And they really do go out and DESTROY everything that other people are inside, and then they offer them their empty cup with no water in it vampires called "Jesus" and say "here, drink this," and of course, you wind up still thirsty. And true to form, for some odd reason, ONLY the Vampires people INFECTED with christianity go out and INSIST on making MORE Vampires christians, this is their all-time OBSESSION. Far from the simple, childish idea of Dracula Vampires living forever and vampires even Ms. Rice's lucky vampires that even get immuneVampires to sun-burn after they live longer, the christian "eternal life" is a PURE fantasy. But the IDEA, is identical. I pointed out once before how Pinhead of Hellraiser fame IS JESUS. There is Jesus with his robe off, there is Jesus FOR REAL - look at him - vampires that MONSTER. Obsessed with torturing the flesh, obsessed with blood and pain. LOOK at him as he is for REAL. Pinhead is the ultimate Grand Inquisitor, go visit Pinhead in the Hell-world and you may as well go visit Europe in the vampires middle ages - same thinVampires g. And yet somehow, ex-christians think that this FILTH is "satanic?" We born Satanists have a problem understanding how anyone can think that way. You'd worship Pinhead? Hell, why not just worship Jesus vampires then - it is the same thing. Pinhead at least is honest. But then, we know Vampires that the Vampires christian RACE has an innate tendency to live in a world of verbal LIES - consistently BLIND to the truths of ACTIONS. If they were NOT vampires blind, they'd see what we see: Pinhead IS JESUS and Ann Rice is writVampires ing about christians vampires and what christians DO to people. This would be OBVIOUS. Guess it is not easy to get mildew out of your eyes. As Ms. Rice writes, the spirit AMEL actually ceases to exist Vampires after it "saves" Akasha by making her a vampire. Isn't that like how the christian god Jesus DIES in order to ---save his people the chrVampires istians? And AMEL, a piece of the core of AMEL is WITHIN all the vampires. Do not christians talk about having this Vampires Jesus INSIDE you? And when you get that, you are saved - except that you still feel this obsessive urge to Vampires GO AROUND and make MORE christians. Well, iVampires f you want to brag about how great you are because you have cancer - go ahead. But if you try to give ME cancer - then that is war. The "AMELians" can't just seem to GO HOME and be content, they have to spread their sickness around. The CHRISTians also, never can just go home and be happy, they also, have to spread their sickness around. And they both call it a BLESSING. They both do this because both of them have an UNQUENCHABLE thirst which derived at its ROOT CORE - from REFUSING TRUTH. Amelians are fiction. Christians are NOT fiction.
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